Know_you said
Blah, blah, blah, blah ....
<yawn> Sorry... did you say something?
as the apostates increasingly gather courage, poking their vile heads out of their filthy spider-holes, slavering like the mad creatures that they are, as they shake their puny fists at the lord of all creation, jehovah's people may may become downhearted, even despondent.
many, we hear, are slowing down or even becoming inactive.
others have been so bold as to have risen up to question the slave as it faithfully dispenses food in due season.
Know_you said
Blah, blah, blah, blah ....
<yawn> Sorry... did you say something?
i've got a situation which has meant that soon i will be in close proximity to someone i really don't want to bump into without being primed and having thought out some sensible responses.
i don't want to be in a situation where the only response i have is to blow my stack and punch the guy out.. this guy is an elder, reasonably well switched on and a lifer.
he's also an inflexible sob who is certain of his own righteousness.
I like to keep repeating the phrase 'Think for yourself' to them when insist on preaching without listening and/or thinking.
Or you could just tell him you are now a Incestual vampiric nudist homosexual who worships Satan when you aren't helping down at planned parenthood.
If that doesn't work just do my personel favorite, laugh at everything he tells you like it is the funniest sh*t you have ever heard, because for me, it is. :D
Edit - Can't spell :P
i am not sure what to do about this situation.
it didn't work out so she just got into a relationship with this witness guy who she was sure was the one.
Thanks all,
I know she has to life her own life and make her own decisions or mistakes and I will love her no matter what. I really want her to find that special someone, I was just hoping it would be under different circumstances.
anyone heard about this un press release???
is this for real?
lol shamus!
what a website, a mixture of the matrix, bad john lennon midi and moving pictures of people in terrible situations.
As much as I personally agree that organized religion has done much more harm to the world than it has done good, I think this would be a terrible idea.
Can you imagine the backlash from the world if this became law, holy smokes! Talk about armageddon.
iraqi govt.
papers: saddam bribed chirac .
baghdad, iraq, jan. 28 (upi) -- documents from saddam hussein's oil ministry reveal he used oil to bribe top french officials into opposing the imminent u.s.-led invasion of iraq.. the oil ministry papers, described by the independent baghdad newspaper al-mada, are apparently authentic and will become the basis of an official investigation by the new iraqi governing council, the independent reported wednesday.. "i think the list is true," naseer chaderji, a governing council member, said.
See, the problem with this is that it's now being shown that Chirac was bribed, however, it can't be shown that we invaded for oil....this is an old, tired and unproven agruement. When the US starts shipping oil out of Iraq without paying for it...let me know.
Is it necessary for us to resort to blatant theft to prove that we went into Iraq because they control a large share of the worlds oil reserves? If you can't the see the action as nothing more than simple colonialism them I guess we just don't see eye to eye on this issue.
i was thinking earlier today, and a weatherman and a jehovhahs witness is kinda similar.
they both try to predict the future.
for instance, the weatherman gives the 5 day forecast....but by the 3rd day, the chances of the weather actually being what they said is around 13% (give or take a few) and the 5th day shouldn't really even be listened to because the chances of accuracy are slim to none.. so lets look at the jehovahs' witnesses.
Weatherman have it easy were I live, they only need an 8th grade diploma.
Spring, Summer and Fall - Forecast - Sunny, no chance of rain.
Winter - Forecast - Cloudy, rain likely.
i have a gamecube and my favorite game is mario kart double dash.. btw.
for the poll pc gaming counts
I am a retired gamer, don't play much of anythig lately. Here are some of my favorites which I still pick up now and then.
PC - Dark Age of Camelot - Online - Level 50(RR5) Elven Enchantress, Rise of Nations, Age of Mythology, Medal of Honor, Battlefield 1942 (Waiting for Doom3 and Battle for Middle Earth)
Xbox - Halo and my xbox is moded so I have every sega genesis game and getting every n64 game onto it. I also like Prince of Persia and Voodoo Vince. (Waiting for Halo 2)
PS2 - GTA Vice City, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Kingdom Hearts, GTA III, more games than I can name. Great system.
Gamecube - Monkey Ball, Pikmon - Gave the system to my friends sisters since I never used it much, might get another one to play Zelda Windwaker.
i know so many jws that love to think satan and his demons are after them.
if they were being "persecuted", it was because of the devil and his demons.
if they got an ache or pain, it was because satan was trying to "discourage" them.......did you think the demons were trying to get you, too?
I used to think demons came back through time to try and kill me. Then I met Arnold and he killed everyone.. wait maybe that was a movie. nevermind.
Seriously though, I used to be caught in that grip of fear. I remember being 5 and totally controlled by my parents through fear of the demons, I was an ADD kid, guess it was the only way they could control me. It was great how my father would tell me I needed to pray everynight before I went to bed because if I didn't they demons might attack. And of course he would tell me of this lady he studied with who would be attacked by a demon python in her bed, again he would tell me this right before I went to sleep. Then would laugh when I was crying telling him the paper bag on the floor made the resemblance of an angry face and I thought it was a demon.
It took me a long time to resolve the fact that I could be a spiritual person minus the witness doctrine and not be open to demonic attack. All thanks to the witness teaching that anything spiritual that doesn't came from them is demonic.
cats may well live with us, but they don't live like us.
i've noticed over the years that how we perceive stuff and how cats process the same info is often so different as to be almost alien.
here are a few i've been thinking about recently (all contributions of more examples gratefully received!
Personal Space - Something a cat can have, but a human can not.
billions of dollars are being spent to determine if life ever existed on mars, while life on various parts of the earth fades away at an alarming rate.
it always annoys me how much taxpayer money is used on crazy or useless things while at the same time many organizations try to sqeeze the average joe for more money just to help the poor and the homeless.
taxpayer money at work
I agree that we need to take care of the population and give people all around the world the basics. However, I think that space exploration is one of the most important things human beings can do. What other species on the planet can spread the seeds of life throughout our solar system? I think humans have a basic need to explore and travel and space is our next big step. Only a few hundred years ago some wondered why you would want to circumnavigate the globe and now who could argue the benefits of such exploration? And if we move mining operations or industries to the other plantets I say go for it. Go build a factory on Mercury or Venus, pump as much carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere as you want, it won't make a bit of difference. And on the inner planets you can get tons of free solar energy to boot. :) Whatever it takes to keep this planet the heavenly jewel of blue green that it is. And if we do manage to destroy our lovely home planet space travel will be our option off of the earth. Anyway I can look at it, I wish we spend more money on the space programs if anything.
If you want to cut funding from somewhere, why not look to the military budgets which are much greater. A little more money for feeding and exploration and a little less for killing, eh? ;)
U.S. Nasa budget for 2004 - $15.5 billion
U.S. Military budget for 2004 - $399.1 billion